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Another VICTORY!

Today was a super awesome day. Every morning on the way to school I ask my girls "what kind of day are you going to have today?" and they usually answer a great, great, awesome day. It's been our morning routine for many years now, and sometimes I'm sure that they say it just to appease me, but no matter they say it. It has always been my belief that we make our day what it is. We may not control all the factors, but we control all of our reactions. Today we did our new normal Friday routine. Scotty & I picked Jenny up from school midday, put her numbing cream on her port access, and we made our trek to Golisano's Children's hospital. The difference today was that for the last three weeks Jenny has been receiving oncological radiation to destroy any microscopic trace of her tumor's malignancy. Monday through Friday for the last 20 days she has had to report to the Wilmot cancer center right after school to receive pinpoint radiation to her surgical region. As usually, Jenesis has been a trooper. Even when she didn't feel like it, she marched on. In truth of God's favor, she has only had nausea the first few times, and she didn't need to be intubated and sedated each time. Imagine that some children are sedated through IV everyday because they are unable to lie completely still during treatment. (God is always on point) Jenesis has never had to experience that. Even after chemo for the last three weeks, baby girl has endured her radiation with the temperament of a solider. I am constantly inspired. This afternoon after her last radiation treatment she was able to ring "the bell." All of the radiation oncology staff came out to celebrate with her. A former patient donated a mounted bell to symbolize the completion of another phase of the journey to a cure. Again my baby girl still has some yards in the field to concur, but by his stripes today we celebrate another VICTORY! "Push through Jenny Bean; God has our back! #teamjennybean #celebrateeverysinglevictory #weclaimvictory

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