Frequently Asked Questions
Is Team Jenny Bean an federally recognized 501(c)3 non-profit organization?
Yes! Which means your donation may be eligible for tax deduction. If you are in need of our EIN or a w-9 please email us at
Does Team Jenny Bean have an Amazon Charity wish list?
Yes! You can visit our Amazon Charity Gift to send a select item for the TJB Care Kits to be sent to a child fighting cancer.
Who qualifies for assistance from Team Jenny Bean?
Children ages 0-18 currently in active or maintenance care treatment.
For care packages- all fighters (no matter their patient status) are eligible as well as siblings of fighters who have passed away.
How can I get a Team Jenny Bean Care for my child?
To ensure you don't miss any TJB updates or post make sure you are signed up to receive our newsletter and please follow us on Facebook and instagram for news